Dedicated Circuits



What is a T1?

A T1 connection can either be a fiber optic line or copper line coming into a building/office. It can carry 24 digitized voice channels and depending on the status of the T1 it can decipher where to carry that traffic, either over the telephone or data connection.

What is a PRI?

A Primary Rate Interface (PRI)  is connection that contains 24 channels on a single circuit. As a result the office can use 23 of those channels to send and receive 23 simultaneous calls while the last channel is used for signaling, or communicating between a PBX and the voice network. In addition a PRI equips a traditional phone line to carry not only voice traffic, but also data and video traffic.

*Please note: this service is subject to qualification. Please call us at 419-734-6037, option 2 to verify the details.